Enigma Machine Blueprint Enigma Machine Designs Logo


The Problem

Short distance commuters have a limited time to switch mindsets from home to work to better prepare for the experience ahead of them.

The Problem Statement

How might we assist with making the mindset transition for short distance commuters who need to mentally and emotionally prepare for work/home during their commute?

The Solution

COSTUME CHANGE is an app that allows short distance commuters to mentally and emotionally prepare for work / home during their commute.

It does this by helping them switch from their “home mindset” to their “work mindset” and back, creating a transition (a ritual) that uses a “power symbol,” a mantra, and a music playlist.

My Contribution

This project was a solo project that I planned, designed, and implimented. I completed interviews, user research, created personas, affinity diagrams, a user experience map, and a lo-res prototype on Marvel POP. Then I conducted user testing on this clickable wireframe prototype and using data collected, I made changes to the prototype and create a hi-res wireframe mockup on Figma.

My focus for this project was to make a human-centred design, with an easy flow. There is also an option to orient the icons differently for right and left-handed users. The details of this project and all of my process are contained in the SLIDE DECK BELOW.

Tools Used

Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Photoshop CC
Google Workspace
Marvel Prototype on Paper

Marvel Prototype on PaperGoogle WorkspaceAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorFigma
Enigma Machine Blueprint

Costume Change App

(UI / UX / App Design)

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